The Night my Voice was HEARD
Zoey Tabin van SpallShare

Two weeks ago, on the 18th September 2024, I had the honour of sharing my story for the first time ever on stage or otherwise at the Heard Live: 'Changing Seasons' with Voice ESEA Event at Feel Good Club Manchester.
This event was part of ESEA Heritage Month, raising funds for Voice ESEA , a non-profit organisation aiming to eliminate racial discrimination against East and South East Asians (ESEAs) by educating about and amplifying ESEA voices within the community.
I've volunteered for Voice ESEA before, usually photographing events and helping with decorations. So when the Head of Events reached out asking me to share my story, I was, well, shocked. I mean, why would anyone care about my story?! The negative voice that's always been in my head immediately told me to decline, but this is precisely why I said YES.
I've been trying to challenge myself more these days. I've always had a fear of public speaking, avoiding it as much as possible. Presentation days at university were always the longest for me, and I still dislike hearing my own voice in recordings and videos. This is why normally, you can only hear my voice on my Instagram stories. I've always been a better writer than a speaker, but I thought to myself that if I wanted to grow Aking Sinta, then I also need to evolve with the business. I'm trying to shake the feeling I've always had that I wasn't worthy to be heard.
Through group and one-to-one coaching sessions from HEARD Storytelling, I not only learned how to tell a good story, but I also reflected on my journey so far, realising how far I've come and celebrating my successes along the way. I don't do this as often as I perhaps need to.
That night, my husband and two best friends were there to support me. I wanted to share the evening with them as I wouldn't be where I am without them. I also felt like I found another community to belong to. My cohort of storytellers all had amazing stories to tell - and yes, I include myself in this statement. There's something to be said about the power of vulnerability and how it transforms strangers into friends.
I wish I could share all the stories from that night with you as they're all worth sharing and amplifying, but they're not my stories to tell. I am going to leave my story here for you though. I now know it's worth sharing (even though the negative voice in my head still says I didn't do well live).
Watch me share it live on stage...
or read the cue cards I had printed on the day (I did made some ad-libs on the night though)...
HEARD Story - Cue Cards by akingsinta_jewellery